With the advancement of technology the digital market is becoming more focused and competitive. So, if you want to target high search engine ranking then this is very important for you to maintain your search engine optimization very well, you need to look after the latest updates of SEO. As Google is pioneer in search marketing so it is very important for you to have complete list of Google SEO and algorithm update list in order to enhance optimization of your site. By keeping track of changes in Google you can increase ranking of your page. So, here we are sharing the complete list of all the updates in Google SEO and Algorithm.
1.) Google Hummingbird Update
Google hummingbird update is a new search algorithm; it has been introduced in August 2013. The most important change that has taken place from this update ware capability to have a sharp eye on mobile marketing, actually this is not surprising at all given the explosion of the mobile phone in last some years. The hummingbird SEO updates aid pages matching the meaning do better in search result.
2.) Google Penguin Update
The Google penguin update was launched mainly to catch the sites which are spamming in the search result of Google. The goal was to decrease the search rankings of websites which violate webmaster guidelines of Google and use black hat SEO technique to artificially raise ranking of their sites by buying links by practicing wrong activities.
3.) Google Panda Update
With an aim to stop sites with low quality content from making their way into top search results of Google, Google panda update was acquainted in Feb, 2011. Google panda is an effective in affecting ranking of entire sites so it can be said as an important part of Google SEO and update.
4.) Google Pigeon Update
In July, 2014 Google pigeon update was taken to give more valuable, significant and exact local search results. This is said that this new update enhances their distance and also location tracking parameters in more result oriented way.
5.) Google Mobile Friendly Update
Google has introduced mobile friendly algorithm, it is intended to give a lift to mobile friendly sites pages in the mobile search result of Google. This testing to`ols has now API access ad this is one of the best thing about Google.
6.) Google Payday Update
With focus to clean up list items regarding spamy queries like payday loans or pornographic queries, this updates has taken place. It can be understood as a set of algorithm updates for Google search engine intimated to identify and penalize as well to that web sites which use spam techniques for increasing their ranking for any particular search queries.
7.) Google Pirate Update
This update is filter which prevents sites that have many copyright infringement repost like documented by DMCA system of Google,
8.) Google EMD Update
This is used by Google to impede low quality site from positioning just on the grounds which they had words that match search terms in their domains, it was bought in 2012.
9.) Google Top Heavy Update
Google top heavy update was launched in Jan 2012 as method to avoid sites which were top heavy with advertisements from positioning good in Google search listings.
10.) Google Page Rank Update
Page rank is the arrangement of Google of tallying link votes and figure out the pages that are most critical in view of them.
This is the complete Google algorithm updates; you can be benefited by adopting it.